Top 10 Best Personal Finance Books To Get Rich!



Personal finance is one of the MOST important aspects of your LIFE. It's not just about making sure you have enough money for retirement, but also about having enough money to live a comfortable life today. The BEST personal finance books can help you achieve both goals by teaching you how to manage your finances better and save more money and how invest your money. Here are some of my favorite books on personal finance books to get Rich.

Rich Dad Poor Dad

This book is a MUST-read for Anyone who wants to become rich. It'll teach you how to think like a rich person and take advantage of the tax system, leverage your money, invest in real estate, start your own business, and more! I recommend you this book if you have never read any finance book before. 

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! by Robert Kiyosaki

This book will teach you how to think like a rich person so that you can start making money for yourself. The author also talks about how he was able to get out of poverty at an early age by learning from his parents' mistakes. If you have no idea how rich people get richer and richer and why poor people get poor and poorer I bet you will START thinking differently after reading this book.

The Millionaire Next Door

The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy.

Author: Thomas J. Stanley and William Danko, published in 1998.

The book's premise is that the MOST successful people in America are not necessarily the ones who have inherited great wealth, or even started their own business at an early age and made it big. Instead, they are usually self-made millionaires with average incomes who live modestly on less than $50K per year (the median income).

They don't have yachts or luxury cars; they drive beaters with high mileage; they don't wear designer clothes or accessories; they don't go out much (they're too busy working); and they pay off their mortgages before retirement so as not to take out too much on interest payments EACH month (which would be unproductive).

How to Win Friends and Influence People

This book is a classic. It’s been around for over 80 years and has been written by Dale Carnegie, an expert on how to get people to like you. The book was originally released in 1937 but has recently been updated with new information about how to be more EFFECTIVE in your relationships now that we live in a digital age where everyone can see everything about us online.

It contains practical advice on how to:

  • Speak effectively;

  • Listen effectively;

  • Win friends and influence people

There is very little information about that book but people give really positive feedback after reading this book and I hope you will love this book.

Your Money or Your Life

Your Money or Your Life: The Missing Manual

By Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin (1993)

This is one of the MOST popular personal finance books out there. It's an easy read, but it packs a lot of value into its pages. This book will help you understand what money is and how to use it wisely so that you can live your life with purpose, rather than just pursue superficial goals like buying expensive cars or clothes. In addition to teaching readers how they should think about their finances as well as how they should spend their income and time on things that matter most to them—and not just what makes financial sense at the moment (which isn't always possible)—Dominguez and Robin also provide advice on how one can make choices when considering whether or not those choices MAY be beneficial in the long run

The Total Money Makeover

The Total Money Makeover is a GREAT book for personal finance because it teaches you how to get out of debt and save money maybe you hate your debts and I recommend reading this book if you have a lot of debt. This book might help you to get out of debt. This book is written by Dave Ramsey, who has been in the personal finance industry for over 20 years and he is so famous guy on all social media platforms. He has also authored 5 other books on the same topic: Financial Peace University, Making Sense of Your Money (which has been renamed Smart Saver), Total Money Makeover 2: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness, and The New Family Manager.

You can find MANY other resources online if you want more information about what you should do with your money or why this particular method works so well for getting rich quickly! Also,  if you want to learn about finance I recommend you to follow Dave Ramsey.

The Millionaire Mind

The Millionaire Mind is one of the BEST personal finance books to get rich. Here are 10 reasons why

  • It shows you how to think like a millionaire which is the most important one (in my personal opinion)

  • You can change your thought process and START thinking about money as an asset instead of something that consumes your TIME and energy, which will then enable you to save more and make more money as WELL! 

  • It helps readers get out of debt by showing them how they can do it themselves without having to rely on loans or credit cards, which is great news for anyone who wants freedom from debt but isn't sure where exactly should START looking for solutions...or even if there even IS anything worth looking into at all!

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing is a great introduction to investing. It was written by John Bogle, who founded Vanguard if you didn't know about Vanguard it is the 2nd largest investment management company and this company manages over 8 Trillion dollars in Assets. John Bogle is considered to be one of the most influential investors in history. The book is SHORT and EASY to read, full of useful advice on investing, and it's even got some basic financial literacy lessons you can apply RIGHT away!

The best part? This book has been around since 1993—so if you're looking for something new or fun but still want something practical about investing your money wisely and safely, then this might be perfect book for you!

What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars

This book is a memoir of Jim Paul's experience with the stock market. It details his journey from a novice investor to a millionaire and how he learned some of the MOST important lessons in personal finance. The author shares his experiences and tells us what we can learn from them to become Better money managers.

The book is structured around three chapters: "Losing a Million Dollars," "Becoming Rich Again," and "Making Money Work for You." In each chapter, Jim talks about an important lesson he learned while losing money in the stock market during his first few years of investing; then he goes on to explain how these lessons helped him become more successful at making decisions about money in general and not just stocks.

In addition to being an interesting read for ANY individual who wants insight into their own finances or those around them who want advice on how they should handle their own financial situation, this book provides valuable information about how one person made millions of mistakes made along their journey towards becoming wealthy again! This book also helps you to learn about Mistakes I personally love this book and I hope you will love it too.

Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School? 99 Personal Money Management Principles to Live By

  • Written by a financial planner, this book is a collection of 99 personal finance principles that are easy to read and understand.

  • The book is published by Wachovia Financial Corp., so it's sure to have all the information you need for managing your personal finances well.

  • Not only does it give you advice on how to manage your money, but it also gives practical tips on saving money and building wealth.

If you want to Achieve financial freedom and learn how to manage your money This Book helps a lot.

Think and Grow Rich

Think and Grow Rich is a self-help book written by Napoleon Hill. It was published in 1937, and it's based on the author's research into the lives of over 500 successful people. And this book is Really famous among those who are interested in the law of attraction. If you are a guy who trusts the law of attraction you will really like this book. Personally, I believe the Law of attraction is real.

This book teaches you how to make your dreams come true through just a few simple steps. For example: "You MUST be able to visualize yourself as having what you want." And: "The person must understand exactly how he wants his life changed or improved."

Reading can help you make more money!

Reading can help you make more money!

If you want to get Rich 

READING...READING...READING...  is the best way to get knowledge and doesn't matter who you are you need to read books.

Reading is a great way to learn about personal finance and improve your financial literacy, skills, and knowledge. It's also a great way to stay up-to-date on all things financial to make better decisions when it comes time for you to invest or borrow money or start a business.


There are so MANY great personal finance books out there, but it can be hard to find the RIGHT one for you. I hope that this list helped you find the best personal finance book for you! If you have any questions about any of these books or want more information leave a comment down below.

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