Are you looking to start a NEW business in the handmade crafts industry? Or maybe you're just trying to FIND a way to make some extra money on the side? If so, then you've come to the RIGHT place! In this article, I'll provide you with my top 10 picks for the most profitable handmade crafts to sell in 2023.
By comparing DATA from different craft stores, popular platforms for selling crafts, and reviews from customers and experts alike, we've identified what WE believe are the BEST handmade crafts for selling in 2023. We'll also discuss how you can GET started making these crafts and provide some helpful tips ON what to consider before you JUMP in.
Jewelry and Accessories
Jewelry and accessories are a very popular choice among handmade crafts. Whether you make necklaces, earrings, bracelets, or keychains, there is ALWAYS a demand for these handmade items. As one of the MOST profitable crafts to SELL in 2023, you can make GREAT profits FROM selling jewelry and accessories.
You can MAKE beautiful pieces THAT your customers will LOVE with the right materials and knowledge. If you have a knack for trends or BIPOC-owned businesses, you can design pieces WITH the latest styles that appeal to MANY tastes. You might even decide to Add charms OR personalize ITEMS with initials for an EXTRA FEE!
Home Decor
Home décor is always a BIG seller, AND if you have the skills and materials to CRAFT pieces that match current trends, then you could have a lucrative business ON your hands. Whether it’s WALL art, shelves, or even seating, there are SO many pieces that you can create to GIVE an extra special touch to someone’s house.
Think about creating minimalistic pieces THAT feature natural materials SUCH as wood and metal for an urban-inspired aesthetic. Or consider crafting custom designs with intricate details for a handcrafted feel – these could be abstract artworks or vintage HOME accessories. You could also tap into recent trends SUCH as macramé WALL hangings, beaded plant hangers, or anything else UNIQUE that you CAN think of!
The BEST part about HOME decor is that it's customizable according to the customer's preferences. So don’t be afraid of putting your OWN spin on products and adding personal touches – this might JUST be what sets you apart from competitors.
Upcycled Furniture
When it comes to upcycling, you’re turning something old and unwanted INTO something NEW, beautiful – and profitable! People are drawn to upcycled furniture pieces because no two pieces are the SAME. It allows them to display a unique piece of conversation in their home or office.
Here are some TIPS for getting started with upcycled furniture:
💡Choose Your Materials Wisely
You WANT to make sure that you’re using HIGH-quality materials so your piece is durable and will LAST for years. You can use wood, metal, plastic, and MORE. Make sure you have the appropriate tools on hand for EACH material, so you can make a HIGH-end product with a professional finish.
💡Think Outside the Box
When it comes to upcycled furniture, creativity is KEY! Don’t be afraid to MIX and match different styles of furniture or colors to create something TRULY unique. You can EVEN combine materials to create something OUT of the ordinary.
💡Have Fun With It!
Upcycling is ALL about having FUN with it – so don't be afraid to experiment and let your imagination run wild! Don't forget to TAKE pictures along the WAY so you can share your masterpiece with others when it's ready.
💡Candles and Soaps
Candles and soaps are a GREAT way to get into craft selling, as they're relatively EASY to make. Many people enjoy candles and soaps as gifts, making them an attractive option for those looking to profit. There's a WIDE variety of materials you can use to MAKE candles and soaps, SUCH as wax, soap base, essential oils, and natural colorants.
What makes these crafts profitable?
💡 Low-Cost Materials
The COST of many materials used to make candles and soaps is relatively low compared to other craft materials. This means THAT you can source the materials in bulk and KEEP the price of your products low — without sacrificing quality — allowing you to reach a larger audience and increase profits.
💡 Variety
Another reason WHY candles and soaps are profitable is the sheer variety available. You CAN opt for simple pour-over or single-wick candles; or GO for something MORE complex like gel or multi-wick candles. Additionally, you can create countless soap designs from traditional bars to creative glycerin versions with FUN molds and fragrances — giving your customers plenty of options when choosing THEIR favorite product.
Whether you want to start by selling your creations online or at local markets, there's no doubt THAT candles and soaps are ONE of the MOST profitable handmade crafts out there. Get creative with your recipes and packaging — it could be just what it takes to TAKE your craft-selling business up a notch!
💡Personalized Mugs and Tumblers
Personalized mugs and tumblers are GREATE for the holiday season, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions. And the good NEWS is there are plenty of creative WAYS to customize these items. These personalized crafts are sure to TURN a profit from photos abstract designs to printed texts.
Let's explore why:
💡 Cost Effective
Personalized mugs and tumblers make for an EASY and COST-effective handmade craft. All you NEED is some good quality ceramic or stainless steel mugs and tumblers, decal paper, and a bit of creativity! And you don't have to worry about buying materials in bulk as these crafts can be easily customized to MEET customer demands.
💡 Versatile
These HANDMADE crafts have a huge range of possibilities—you COULD create mugs or tumblers with a particular theme or design on them (think graduation themes or wedding designs) or offer customizations THAT customers can add themselves (like etching initials onto an item). The opportunities are endless!
💡 High-Profit Margins
Custom-made mugs or tumblers can yield HIGH-profit margins when done right. This means you can charge MORE for personalized items due to the labor involved in making them. Of course, pricing will depend on the COST of materials and how labor-intensive the project is; but with enough research and experimentation, you'll be able to determine your IDEAL prices!
💡 Cushions and Quilts
Sixth on MY list of the most profitable handmade crafts to sell in 2023 are cushions and quilts. Everyone needs somewhere to lounge and relax, and cushions with CUTE designs, quality fabric, and perfect stitching will add a touch of elegance to ANY home.
And if you've got the skills you can MAKE both quilts and cushions that look great and feel great. Quilts are a GREAT way to keep warm, and those MADE with quality materials and stitches that last will be an appreciable addition to ANY home.
The BEST part about making cushions or quilts is that you can apply your OWN creative ideas and create something unique EVERY time. Multiple factors SUCH as fabric pattern, color scheme, texture, size, etc can help you stand out from the competition. Here are SOME ideas:
Use organic fabrics for ECO-friendly quilting products
Use vibrant colors in vibrant patterns
Create motifs in patchwork quilts
Try vintage or retro styles
Add embellishments like beads or feathers
Selling handmade cushion covers or quilts is an excellent WAY to make money this year! With the right material selection, creative ideas, and proper execution, you'll be well on your WAY to success.
Handmade Artwork
💡 Unique Pieces
There’s something special about having a UNIQUE piece of artwork in your HOME. It adds a personal touch THAT you just can't get from mass-produced art. Handmade artists create one-of-a-kind pieces that CAN be used to show off your own personal STYLE.
💡 Quality Materials
MOST handmade craftsmen use top-quality materials to ensure THAT each piece looks great and has lasting value. You don't have to worry about cheaply MADE pieces falling apart or fading with time—handmade art is built to last!
💡 Variety of Mediums
From oil paintings and ceramic sculptures to watercolor prints and digital photography, there’s no shortage of mediums that handmade artists can WORK with while creating their pieces. This means you can FIND something to fit your style and budget EASILY.
Not only is selling handmade artwork profitable, but it’s also fun! Take the time to find good quality materials, create something unique and beautiful, then SHOW it off on social media or your website for maximum impact. With so MANY different mediums for art out there, selling handmade artwork could be a GREAT way for you to make money in 2023!
💡Knitted Articles
Knitted items are always popular among CRAFT enthusiasts and sewers. You can MAKE a variety of things WITH yarn, FROM hats to scarves to sweaters, and they're ALWAYS a hit at crafts fairs.
But why are knitted articles so profitable?
💡 Versatility
Knitted items can BE created in a range of sizes, for babies up to adults, making THEM attractive products for all kinds of customers. Plus, you can MAKE something unique and stylish that stands OUT from the crowd.
💡 Low Overhead Cost
Making knitted items requires relatively little in terms of materials and TOOLS. For EXAMPLE, you'll need a good quality set of knitting needles, SOME good quality yarn, and a few other supplies like scissors and stitch markers (depending on what type of project you’re working on). Plus, MOST materials can be EASILY sourced from local shops or online retailers, so it's an inexpensive option for starting your own craft business.
💡 Customers Will Pay More for Quality Materials & Craftsmanship
Knitted items MADE with high-quality yarn will sell better THAN those made with average-quality yarn because customers appreciate the time it takes to create something durable yet beautiful. They also recognize the time it TAKES to craft something by hand with attention to detail—which also adds to the appeal of buying handmade ITEMS. So if you produce any knitted articles using top-notch materials and have an eye for detail when creating your product, chances are that customers will be willing to pay MORE for your creation!
💡 Pet Accessories
When it comes to selling handmade crafts, don't forget about pet accessories. The pet industry is booming, so why not MAKE something that people can BUY for their furry friends? From pet beds to collars and toys, there are tons of unique and stylish pet accessories you can MAKE and SELL.
💡 Creative Ideas
Think ABOUT the things you ENJOY making already, then come up with a pet-related spin on them. You don't have to limit yourself to collars, leashes, and chew toys either — there are so MANY unique pieces you CAN craft for all kinds of pets. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
⦿Pet beds
⦿ Treat jars
⦿ Birthday hats
⦿ Wall hangings
⦿ Custom food bowls
⦿ Toys made with non-toxic materials
⦿ Embroidered dog coats
⦿ Cat scratching post furniture
⦿ Dog sweaters or raincoats
And if you really want to stand out from the crowd, personalize items by adding your customer's pet name! People love buying special items for their pets, so this will give your handmade crafts that EXTRA touch of love that people crave.
Gift Boxes
Adding gift boxes to YOUR list of handmade crafts to SELL in 2023 is a GREAT way to TURN your craft into a profit-earning machine. After all, they’re the PERFECT addition to ANY craft-related product, adding an aesthetically pleasing and practical touch that’ll MAKE your customers HAPPY.
Gift boxes are incredibly cost-effective, and MOST packaging suppliers offer bulk discounts, so you can BUY them in large quantities for convenience. You can also customize THEM with logos or other branding materials for some EXTRA pizzazz.
Many Uses
The BEST thing about gift boxes is that they can be used in all kinds of ways—they're perfect for tucking away SMALL gifts or giving someone a heartfelt surprise. You can also use them as a finishing touch for larger items, especially if you’re selling something like art or photography prints.
To make sure you GET maximum bang for your buck with the gift boxes you choose, take into account factors like using the right material (cardboard is usually the best option), durability, size, and closure (for EXAMPLE, if you’re selling something delicate like jewelry then consider something airtight with an air cushion).
All in all, selling handmade crafts can be a lucrative business, and there's a wide range of crafts to suit all budgets. Whether you sell them online, in a local craft store, or at craft fairs and markets, there's a 'perfect craft' out there for EVERYONE.
By researching what's popular and profitable RIGHT now, you can determine what type of craft to focus on and can also capitalize on trends and create products that stand OUT in your given market.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced crafter, if you have a passion for handmade crafts and possess the skill to create unique and beautiful items, you can make a living out of making and selling crafts. With the right tools and resources and some HARD work, you can become the top craft seller in your area.
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